If you can’t afford your current minimum payment, or if a change in circumstances may affect your ability to pay in the future, let us know as soon as possible. We're here to support you as much as we can.
Getting in touch with us before you’re due to make a payment can help avoid charges being applied to your account. Our specially trained advisors are sympathetic, easy to talk to and want to help you.
Contact us
We’re available Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm. You can open a chat with us, call us on (+353) 1 8300 600/ 1 8300 800 (Option 4) or email us.
(Please include your full name, first line of address and Eircode, so that we can find your account)
Important note:
If you miss a payment, we will notify the Central Credit Register, as per the terms and conditions of your account. This could affect your ability to obtain credit in the future.
Ensuring you get in touch with us before your payment due date can help avoid this.
Options you can consider
Supporting charities
You may also wish to contact MABS for free, independent advice:
MABS is a national, free, confidential, and independent service for people in debt or in financial difficulty.
Please get in touch with us; however, if you feel you may need further assistance, you may wish to contact the Money Advice & Budgeting Service (MABS) on
0818 07 2000 or visit www.mabs.ie
Reducing your balance
If you can, paying off more than your minimum payment every month, can reduce the overall interest you'll pay.
Top tip: if you're using your credit facility to purchase an expensive item, making a payment upfront can help reduce your monthly payments and the amount of interest you'll pay.